Company MESSAGE CENTER is the developer of the multi-channel MSGcenter platform for sending PUSH and IM-messages to such popular instant messengers as WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, iMessage.
The platform provides an opportunity to use modern communication channels along with traditional SMS and e-mail, comprehensively solving the problem of effective communications with customers.
Multichannel communications allow you to build a relationship with your audience on a new level and increase the effect of marketing activities, evaluating the performance and economy of each channel on individual segments.
Our goal - is to make contact with your buyer as efficient as possible. The applied programming methods for segmentation, allow you to increase the conversion of sent messages several times, while reducing the volume of messages sent.
The algorithms used look-a-like and retargeting You can effectively attract new customers for your business. We can instantly deliver your message right into the hands of your target audience.
New opportunities for mobile marketing
Messengers is next generation mobile marketing, it gives you the ability to send instant messages (IM messages) to users of popular instant messengers WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram with the ability to receive from recipients feedback.
IM-messages become the main communication channel. A smartphone user can skip your SMS message, but not your colorful WhatsApp or Viber.
You can send any multimedia format. All this will increase the effectiveness of your mailings and attract more buyers.
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Next-Gen Audience Targeting Based on interests and behavior . . .
Search and selection of the audience for carrying out targeted mailings based on their location, social status, consumer potential, interests and behavior of the audience on the Internet based on the application of algorithms of programming.
Targeting both large cities and regions, and SUPERGEO in the areas of cities, streets, metro stations.
Social status
Sex, the presence of children, 18+ (targeting an adult audience)
Buyer segment
Thematic collections
All data of users are anonymous and do not violate the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data
Using our targeting models, you will be able to maximally attract new customers to your retail business.
You can reduce the volume of messages sent, but at the same time get the same or higher result. All this thanks to precise targeting, which allows you to increase the conversion to a purchase up to 5 times, and if we are talking about the premium or luxury segment, then up to 20 times compared with regular mailings.
Example: Simple targeting for an adult audience allows you to reduce the volume of messages sent by about 40% without loss of conversion. Individual selection of an audience segment for your business tasks is possible, using algorithms of programming.
>8 %
>3 %
With the help of dispatches through messengers it is possible to increase the efficiency of interaction with an existing client base using the media format of messages. In addition to increasing the effectiveness, it also significantly reduces the advertising budget.
Platform Performance
Bandwidth - 2,000,000 messages per hour, this speed makes the platform the most productive in its class.
The service allows sending out letters with the letter name of the sender and the Customer's logo, which immediately distinguishes your messages and distinguishes them from the obsessive SPAM.
Sending messages in any language
The platform supports all types of encodings, which ensures the correct delivery of messages in the native language of recipient subscribers anywhere in the world.
Custom Messages
You can send individual texts to each subscriber, for example: "Dear, Ivan, Ivanovich! ... .Your promotional code: F7J8WZ." The details of the messages are kept, the connection between the recipient's phone number and text , which was sent to him.
Message formats
All standard message formats are supported. Sending text, images, images with a signature, vCard, audio, video and geolocation.
Failover of service
Our team always resolves promptly all issues related to changes in protocols and distribution policies and reduces the time for updating the service to several hours.
Distribution Scheduler
Allows you to schedule a newsletter for subscribers of any region or country at the right time and be sure that subscribers will receive on time your messages, which avoids negativity when messages arrive at night.
Traffic Priority Management and Queuing
The platform supports work with priorities in sending messages and delivers instant service messages about orders, car delivery and others, regardless of the general queue for sending advertising messages.
Two-way communication
The ability to receive response messages, as well as the organization of chat allows you to quickly answer all questions from your customers and provide the necessary information.
Service Support
Customer support is provided in 24 x 7 x 365 mode. We are ready to answer all your questions by phone, mail, skipe, WhatsApp and ticketing system.